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Recent Publications
Flansburg, M.E., and Stockli, D.F., 2023, Progressive Miocene unroofing of the Big Maria and Riverside Mountains (SE California, USA) along the southwestern margin of the Colorado River extensional corridor: Geosphere,
Flansburg, M.E., Poulaki, E.M., Stockli, D.F., and Soukis, K., 2022, Coeval Miocene exhumation of the Cycladic Blueschist Unit and the Cycladic Basement in the southern Cyclades, Ios and Sikinos, Greece: Terra Nova,
Poulaki, E.M., Stockli, D.F., Flansburg, M.E., Gevedon, M.L., Stockli, L.D., Barnes, J.D., Soukis, K., Kitajima, K., and Valley, J.W., 2021, Zircon U-Pb and geochemical signatures in high-pressure, low-temperature metamorphic rocks as recorders of subduction zone processes, Sikinos and Ios islands, Greece: Chemical Geology, v. 582, no. 120447,
Poulaki, E.M., Stockli, D.F., Flansburg, M.E., and Soukis, K., 2019, Zircon U-Pb chronostratigraphy and provenance of the Cycladic Blueschist Unit and the nature of the contact with the Cycladic Basement on Sikinos and Ios Islands, Greece: Tectonics, v.38,
Flansburg, M. E., Stockli, D. F., Poulaki, E. M., and Soukis, K., 2019, Tectono‐magmatic and stratigraphic evolution of the Cycladic Basement, Ios Island, Greece: Tectonics, v. 38,
Bailey, C.M., Flansburg, M.E., Lang, K.E., and Biggs, T., 2017, Geology in Jefferson’s country: a Blue Ridge traverse across Albemarle County in Virginia Geological Field Conference, 47th Field Conference, Guidebook, 58 p, 2017.pdf | Powered by Box.
Photo courtesy of Rosen-Jones Photography, Oberlin, OH.
Recent Awards
Spring 2023 Grant-in-Aid (Oberlin College)
Fall 2020 Outstanding Teaching Assistant (GEO 428 Structural Geology, UT-Austin)
Fall 2020 Project Winner (Python for Geoscience Research course, UT-Austin)
2020 W.R. Meuhlberger Fellowship in Structural Geology & Tectonics (JSG at UT-Austin)
2019 Graduate Student Research Grant (GSA)