JSG Structural Geology Faculty Search Committee: I served as the Graduate Student Representative on the search committee to fill a position in Structural Geology in the Department of Geological Sciences at UT-Austin.
Lithosphere and Deep Earth Seminar: I was a co-organizer for the 2020-2021 academic year and my responsibilities included contacting potential speakers, organizing the schedule, and hosting the talks online via zoom (we used a virtual format for 2020-2021).
Graduate Student Executive Committee: I am serving my second academic year as GSEC’s webmaster. I work to continue clarity on the website and reflect the most up-to-date information for graduate and prospective students, including providing an easy access point for various resources. As part of GSEC, I am also part of communicating graduate student voices to faculty and administration at JSG.
GeoFORCE Mentor: From 2016-2018, I mentored UT undergraduates who participated in the GeoFORCE program in high school. In this role I reviewed graduate school/job/internship applications, answered questions about graduate school/research avenues, and was available for other needs from my mentees.